Music of the medieval period (700-1400)

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  • Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that started with the fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Medieval period - during this time, the christian church influence Europe’s culture and political affairs.
  • Monophonic plainchant was named after Pope Gregory I ( who made this approved music of the Catholic church).
  • Gregorian chant - also known as Plainchant or plainsong.
    A form of medieval church music that involves chanting. Plainchant doesn’t use any instrumental accompaniment but instead it uses words that are smug.
  • Characteristics of the Gregorian Chant - Monophonic, Free meter, modal, usually based on latin liturgy, use of Neume notation.
  • Monophonic - Music consisting of single melodic line without chordal accompaniment.
  • Free meter - There is no time signiture. Free from musical time.
  • Modal - is a series of musical notes in a defined order with specific intervals between each pitch.
  • Use of Neume Notation - system of writing music based on notation.
  • Secular music - non-religious music. Secular music were performed across Europe by a group of musicians called TROUBADOURS.
  • Characteristics of TROUBADOUR MUSIC - usually monophonic, sometimes with improvised accompaniment, tells of Chivalry and Courtly love, originated in France.
  • IONIAN - constructed from the
  • LYDIAN - constructed from the fourth note of a major scale (F). Pattern of Lydian WWWHWWH (FGABCDEF)
  • MIXOLYDIAN - constructed from the fifth note of a major scale (G). Pattern of mixolydian WWHWWHW (GABCDEFG)
  • AEOLIAN - constructed from the six note of major scale (A). Pattern of Aeolian WHWWHWW (ABCDEFGA)
  • LOCRIAN - constructed from the seventh note of a major scale (B). Pattern of Locriian HWWHWWW (BCDEFGAB)
  • Adam de la Halle (1237 - 1288) - He was also known as “Adam le Bossu“ a french-born trouvere, poet, and musician. His musical works include chansonns and Juex-partris (Poetic Debates) in the style of trouvere, polyphonic rondel and motets in the style of early liturgical polyphony.
    1. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion
    2. La Chanson du rio de Sicile.