goal theory

Cards (3)

  • -    mastery/performance
    ›           mastery orientation is described as the individual’s desire to become proficient in a certain topic to the best of his/her ability
    ›           therefore, the sense of satisfaction is not influenced by external rewards, but rather it is the sense of self fulfillment from being able to accomplish something
    ›           ames (1992) stated that mastery orientation is associated with deeper engagement with the task and greater perseverance in the face of setbacks
  • -    task/ego involvement

    ›           this mandates that an individual as a task involved subject who is interested in the task for its own qualities
    ›           this behavior is associated with higher intrinsic motivation
    ›           nicholls (1990), task involvement to individuals is less threatening to failure because the ego is not tied up in the success of the task
    ›           an individual who is ego involved will seek to perform the task to boost their own ego, for the praise that completing the task might attract, or because completing the task confirms their own self concept
  • -    approach/avoidance goals
    ›           basically, not all goals are directed towards approaching a positive outcome
    ›           goals can be also directed towards avoiding an undesirable outcome (elliot, 1997)
    ›           it is thought that approach goals contribute positively to intrinsic motivation whereas avoidance goals do not
    ›           difficult goals lead to better performance as compared to those easy goals
    ›           in order to enhance the performance, feedback is essential