types of projective methods

Cards (7)

  • Inkblots
    -          the rorschach
    -    Hermann Rorschach’s inkblot test are 10 bilaterally symmetrical mirror image inkblots
    -    it focuses on the content, location, latency to first response, determinants, popularity, form quality, and organizational ability of the individual
  • Pictures
    -          thematic apperception test by Morgan and Murray
              -    based on the individual’s apperception for apperceive in terms of past experience
              -    it was originally used to help patients in analysis fantasize where 30 pictures + 1 blank are used to stimulate their minds to project their behavior
              -    the individual gives a story from the beginning to end which describes what people are feeling
  • Pictures
    -          thompson version
    -          CAT (animals) and CAT-H (humans)
    -          senior AT
    -          blanky picture test – dog
    -          picture story test – adolescents
    -          education apperception test – attitudes toward learning
    -          michigan picture test – children 8 to 14
    -          make a picture story – make own pictures from figures
    -          apperceptive personality test (APT) – attempt to address shortcomings of TAT and have objective scoring
  • Words
    -          word association test
              -    Francis Galton was the first to use it which is based on reaction time aside from its content
              -    according to Carl Jung, words that represented potential areas of conflict would eventually lead to projection of behavior
              -    examples of word associations test:
              ›           word association test by Gill and Shafer (60 words, some neutral some traumatic)
              ›           Kent Rosanoff free association test (100 stimulus words all supposed to be neutral and common)
  • Words
    -          sentence completion
              -    consist of stems either general or specific which may be theory based or not
              -    examples:
              ›           washington university sentence completion test which based on Levinger’s theory of ego development to measure self concept
              ›           rotter incomplete sentence blank, the most popular test with 40 items which can be utilized to three levels from high school and up and covers several categories such as family, attitudes, social and sexual attitudes, general attitudes and character traits
  • Words
    -          figure drawings
              -    it is utilized to have not been shown to represent self but do represent bodily concerns
              -    situation arises because it is affected by the artistic ability of examinee
  • Words
              -    examples of figure drawing test:
              ›           draw a person test (Karen Machover), analyzes characteristics through time taken, placement of drawing, size, symmetry, facial expressions and various systems have been devised to try and objectify scoring and use for diagnostic purposes
              ›           house tree person test (Buck), can be used to identify abused children
              ›           draw an animal
              ›           kinetic family drawing (KFD), used to gather information about the family system of the individual