Physical - River Holford

Cards (5)

  • To what extent is the River Holford a typical river?
  • Our data collection zone was suitable because:
    • It was close enough that we could visit in a day
    • There were a range of sites that we could survey throughout the day
  • The theory that underpinned our investigation - Bradshaw model:
    • Velocity - increase
    • Channel depth/width - increase
    • Load particle size - decrease
  • Risks:
    • Trips - wore sensible footwear
    • Getting lost - stayed in a group
  • River velocity:
    • 3x 10m distances
    • Floating a cork and timing how long it takes and calculated a mean
    • Finding how the speed of the river changes - we expect it to increase downstream
    • However, the cork could get stuck on a rock and affect the results
    • We could fix this by moving some rocks before launching the cork