
Cards (25)

  • Bacteria Cell
  • Pili (Plural)/Pilus (Singular) - For Reproduction
  • Cytoplasm - Makes movements for enzymes/cell structures in general easier
  • Plasmid - Extra circular form of DNA, reason why bacterium survives
  • Ribosomes (NOT Organelles) - To create protein
  • Flagella (Plural)/ Flagellum (Singular) - For movement of cell
  • Cell Membrane - Inner most; Phospholipid bilayer
  • Cell Membrane - Inner most; Phospholipid Bilayer
  • Cell Wall - Middle; Made out of Cellulose
  • Capsule - Outer most; Made out of protein
  • Nucleoid Region - For survival of the cell
  • Fimbriae:
    • Just like Pili
    • For adherence on surface Suckers
    • Suckers
    • Reason why you should wash your hands
  • Prokaryote - "Pro" means BEFORE, while "Karyotes" means NUCLEUS (Organelle)
  • Gram Positive (Prokaryotes):
    • Blue/Purplish
    • 3 Layers
    • Easier to kill
  • Gram Negative (Prokaryotes):
    • Red/Pinkish
    • 5 Layers
    • 2 Toxins
    • If one toxin only, it is an Endotoxin
  • Gram Negative (Prokaryotes):
    • Red/Pinkish
    • 5 Layers
  • Gram Negative (Prokaryotes):
    • Red/Pinkish
    • 5 Layers
    • 2 Toxins, if one only, it is an Endotoxin
  • Peptidoglycan: Acts as a barrier against toxins
  • Periplasmic space: site where enzymes are released for protection
  • Lipopolysaccharides - "Lipo" means LIQUID/FAT, "Poly" means MANY, "Saccharides" means SUGAR. Lipopolysaccharides are the cause of inflammation.
  • Endotoxin - "Endo" means INSIDE. Endotoxin is a toxin released by bacteria even though the bacteria is dead.
    • Absent Pili
    • Cell wall has thick Peptidoglycan
    • Gram reaction is Violet dye or Stain Blue/Purple
    • Toxin produced it Exotoxin
    • Outer Membrane and Periplasmic space is absent
    • Resistance to physical disruption and penicillin is high
    • Pili is present
    • Cell wall is thin Peptidoglycan
    • Gram reaction is Stain Pink or Red
    • Toxin produced is Exotoxin or Endotoxin
    • Outer Membrane is Present
    • Periplasmic space is Present (Lipopolysaccharides)
    • Resistance to physical disruption and penicillin is low
  • Bacteria can be used for:
    • Yogurt
    • Fermentation
    • Vaccines
    • Bioremediation
    • To create Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
  • Bacteria may/may not be harmful, depending on it's use