Bionergetics WHOLE TOPIC

Cards (41)

  • Photosynthesis
    The process by which plants make glucose from sunlight
  • Endothermic reaction

    Energy is transferred from the environment to the chloroplasts by light
  • Photosynthesis equation
    Carbon dioxide + WaterGlucose + Oxygen
  • Chemical symbols for compounds
    • Carbon dioxide: CO​2
    • Water: H​2​O
    • Oxygen: O​2
    • Glucose: C​6​H​12​O​6
  • The rate of photosynthesis is affected by a number of factors
  • Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
    • Temperature
    • Light Intensity
    • Carbon dioxide concentration
    • Amount of chlorophyll
  • With an increase in temperature
    The rate of photosynthesis increases until enzymes begin to denature
  • The higher the light intensity
    The faster the rate of the reaction for most plants
  • As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases
    The rate of reaction increases
  • Chlorophyll
    A pigment in the leaf that converts light energy to food for the plant
  • If chlorophyll levels are reduced through a magnesium deficiency, then the rate of photosynthesis would decrease
  • Measuring the rate of photosynthesis
    1. Place pondweed in water
    2. Seal with a bung
    3. Attach capillary tube
    4. Measure oxygen production
  • Many variables can be changed to observe their effect on photosynthesis
  • Variables that can be changed in the experiment
    • Temperature
    • Time
    • Light intensity
  • It is important to control all factors that may affect photosynthesis except your independent variable
  • Limiting factor
    An environmental condition that restricts any increase in the rate of photosynthesis
  • A graph involves one limiting factor if it has one line which levels off
  • A graph with two lines represents two limiting factors in two experiments
  • Light intensity is measured in lux
  • At 50 lux light intensity

    It was the limiting factor compared to the 100 lux experiment
  • Farmers can use the knowledge of limiting factors to enhance the conditions in the greenhouse for a greater rate of photosynthesis
  • Inverse proportion
    A relationship between two factors where one increases while one decreases
  • Light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
  • Light intensity ∝ 1/distance​2
  • Uses of glucose from photosynthesis
    • For respiration
    • Converted into insoluble starch for storage
    • To produce fat or oil for storage
    • To produce cellulose to strengthen cell walls
    • Combined with nitrates to form amino acids which produce proteins
  • Respiration occurs in every cell in the body
  • Respiration
    The process of transferring energy from glucose so living processes can occur
  • Exothermic
    Energy is transferred to the environment
  • Types of respiration
    • Aerobic
    • Anaerobic
  • Aerobic respiration

    Uses oxygen and yields the most energy
  • Aerobic respiration equation
    C​6 ​H​12​O​6​ + O​2​ → CO​2​ + H​2​O
  • Anaerobic respiration

    Occurs when there is not enough oxygen and does not yield as much energy
  • Anaerobic respiration is only used as a last resort
  • Anaerobic respiration in animals
    GlucoseLactic acid
  • Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast
    GlucoseEthanol + Carbon dioxide
  • Lactic acid builds up creating an oxygen debt
  • Oxygen debt
    The amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to react with the accumulated lactic acid
  • Blood flowing through the muscles transports the lactic acid to the liver where it is converted back to glucose
  • Metabolism
    The sum of all the reactions in a cell or the body
  • The energy transferred in the cells by respiration is used in the processes of metabolism to make new molecules