1. Large operculate eggs are either coughed up or passed in faeces of definitive host
2. Egg reaches water, hatches after 3 days and releases ciliated miracidium some weeks later
3. Miracidium enters body of some freshwater snails
4. Miracidium develops into sporocyst in the snail and then becomes a rediae
5. Mature rediae replicate into cercariae
6. Cercariae encyst as metacercariae in various freshwater crustaceans, mainly crayfish and crabs
7. Metacercariae may be found in gills, muscles and liver of the crustaceans where they encyst
8. Man is infected by swallowing metacercariae in raw or slightly prickled crustaceans
9. Metacercariae excyst in duodenum, and larval fluke rapidly penetrate gut wall and enters the peritoneal cavity