Cards (4)

    • Sensory neurons, intermediate relay neurons and motor neurons work together to bring about a response to a stimulus 
    • A reflex arc is a pathway along which impulses are transmitted from receptor to an effector without involving conscious regions of the brain 
    • As it does not involve the brain, a reflex response is quicker than any other type of nervous response 
    • Examples: 
    • Removing the hand rapidly from a sharp or hot object 
    • Blinking 
    • Focusing the eye on an object 
    • Controlling how much light enters the eyes 
  • In the example below: 
    • A pin (stimuli) is detected by a pain receptor in the skin 
    • Sensory neuron sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord (coordinator) 
    • Electrical impulse are passed on to an intermediate neuron in the spinal cord 
    • Intermediate neuron connects to the motor neuron and passes the impulse on 
    • The motor neuron carries the impulses to the muscle in the leg (effector) 
    • Impulse causes the muscle (quads) to contract and pull leg up and away from sharp object (response) 
  • Reflex arc pathway