measuring urine glucose concentration

Cards (11)

  • The presence of glucose in urine is an indicator that a person may have diabetes
  • If blood glucose concentration increases above the renal threshold
    Not all the glucose from the filtrate in the proximal convoluted tubule is reabsorbed and some will be left in the urine
  • Test strips
    Can be used to test urine for the presence and concentration of glucose
  • Enzymes immobilized on a test strip
    • Glucose oxidase
    • Peroxidase
  • Testing urine with test strips
    1. Immersing pad in urine sample
    2. Glucose oxidase catalyses reaction
    3. Peroxidase catalyzes reaction
    4. Comparing pad colour to chart
  • Glucose oxidase
    Catalyses a reaction in which glucose is oxidized to form gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide
  • Peroxidase
    Catalyzes a reaction between hydrogen peroxide and a colorless chemical in the pad to form a brown compound and water
  • The colour of the pad is compared to a colour chart, different colours represent different concentrations of glucose
  • The higher the concentration of glucose
    The darker the colour
  • Urine tests only show whether the blood glucose concentration was above the renal threshold while urine was collecting in the bladder
  • Urine tests do not indicate the current blood glucose concentration