
Cards (7)

  • Brain diagram
    A) Cerebal Cortex
    B) Cerebellum
    C) Pituitary gland
    D) Hypothalamus
    E) Medulla
  • Cerebal Cortex
    • Responsible for: consciousness, intelligence , memory, language and senses.
    • It is split into two hemispheres.
    • The left hemishpere controls the right hand side muscles. while the right hemishpere controls the left hand side muscles.
    • It is the outer part of the brain.
  • Cerebellum
    • Responsible for: balance and coordination
    • It is found at the back/bottom of the brain
  • Hypothalamus
    • Responsible for: regulating the body's temperature and sending signals to pituitary gland.
    • It is found in the centre of the brain, before the pituitary gland.
  • Medulla
    • Responsible for: controlling unconscious activities (e.g. breathing and heart rate).
    • It is found within the brain stem.
  • How scientists study the brain:
    1. Study people with brain damage.
    2. Electrically stimulate different parts of the brain.
    3. Scanning the brain, with CT, PET and MRI scans.
  • Why treating the brain is so difficult:
    • The brain is complex and isn't fully understood. So it can't be treated with drugs.
    • The brain is in the skull and brain tissue is very fragile. So it's physcially i,possible to fix anything.
    • Many things can go wrong such as: tumours, trauma, infections and mental health problems.