Bacteriophage - viruses that infect bacterial cells
Bacteriophages have a head, sheath and tail.
Contain DNA or RNA (neverboth)
Are acellular (no nucleus or organelles)
Only characteristic of life is reproduction, but can only reproduce in a host.
Some are host specific and others are tissue specific.
Reproduce by converting genetic material of the host into viralnucleicacids
Kingdom Monera
Smallest and simplest living organisms
Prokaryotic(no nuclear membrane/no true nucleus)
DNA is free in cytoplasm
Aerobic bacteria - live in presence of O2
Anaerobic bacteria - live in absence of O2
DNA is concentrated in a Nucleoid.
Tail = flagella
Some are autotrophic( can photosynthesise or chemosynthesise) Asexual reproduction via binaryfission
Kingdom Protista
Protozoa,Algae & Water mould
Uni or multicellular
Algae is the only autotrophic protista
Reproduce both asexually & sexually Protozoa ingest food by phagocytosis. Cell walls occur in plant-like protists(Algae). Some algae sexual and others asexual reproduction.
Binary fission
Asexual reproduction
Kingdom Fungi
Yeasts are unicellular
Mushrooms and moulds are multicellular
Saprophytes(live off of dead organisms)
Asexual(binary fission) and sexual reproduction
Some are parasites
Nitrogen fixing bacteria
Bacteria absorbs nitrogen gas in soil and convert it into nitrates so that plants can absorb it.
In exchange, bacteria receive carbohydrates from the plants.
Both plants benefit from this symbiosis
O2/CO2 homeostasis
Autotrophic bacteria and protists use CO2 and release O2
Algae are responsible for 50% of O2 that is produced by photosynthesising organisms.
Conditions for growth & multiplication
Sufficient food
Optimal temperature
Microorganisms that cause disease
Infectious Disease
Diseases caused by a microorganism
Living organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye.