evolution is the sequence of gradual changes from simple life to complex life forms
The study of history of life forms on earth is called evolutionary biology
as the universe expanded the temperature lowered and the gases like hydrogen and helium were formed later
theory os special creation - Father Suarez
theory of panspermia - Richter
theory of spontaneous generation - van Helmont
theory of chemical evolution - Oparin and Haldane
theory of specialcreation
God has created life by the divine act of creation
Theory of panspermia
The life on earth arose from the spores or panspermia which came from outerspace and developed into living forms.
Theory of spontaneous generation
Life originated from non-living matter automatically
palaeontology is the study of fossils
the organs which have the same fundamental structures but are different in functions are called homologous organs
homology in organs indicates common ancestry. It is based on divergent evolution which leads to the formation of homologous organs
The relationship between the structures of different groups of animals due to their similar functions is called analogy or convergent evolution
the organs which are rudimentary or poorly developed and are non-functional in the processor but were functional in the ancestor or in related forms are called vestigial organs
Theory of recapitulation or biogenetic law
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
biogeography is the study of distribution of animals and plants on earth
Adaptive radiation is the process of evolution of different species starting from a point in a geographical area and finally radiating to other areas of geography
Chemical resistance is another example of natural selection. The excess use of herbicides and pesticides leads to the selection of resistant varieties of microbes in very less time
Homology indicate common ancestry
based on divergent evolution
homologous organs have same structural design and origin but perform different functions
divergent evolution is the same structure is developed along different directions due to adaptations to different needs
analogy does not indicate common ancestry
result of convergent evolution
analogous organs are anatomically different but functionally similar
convergent evolution are the different structures that evolve to perform same function and hence have similarity