Henrican Reformation

Cards (6)

  • England was legislatively protestant
    SK1 = 1534 Act of Supremacy established Henry as ‘supreme head’ of the church rather than the pope
    SK2 = 1536 Royal Injunctions attacked Catholic practices of pilgrimages and relics and required clergy to promote the 1536 Ten Articles and teach the Lord’s Prayer in English
    CSK = Royal Injunctions undermined some Catholic practices but still enforced major Catholic beliefs - Act of 10 Articles affirms belief in transubstantiation fundamental catholic liturgy
  • Socially - NOT PROTESTANT
    SK1 = Franciscan monks publically defied the annulment despite being in close proximity to the crown (had a house in Greenwich) - preached a sermon before the king denouncing his plans for divorce - defiance from religious orders that had influence in local communities
    SK2 = 1536 Pilgrimage of Grace: 40,000 men rebelled against the dissolution of the monasteries
    CSK = Bad harvests in 1535 - 1536 suggests socioeconomic issues were also a cause of the Pilgrimage of Grace
  • Individuals - NOT PROTESTANT
    SK1 = Thomas More refused to take oath and was executed
    SK2 = Cromwell’s execution for failure to enforce the act of 6 Articles and harbouring of 60 protestant - his protestant views were fundamental in his downfall
    CSK = Cromwell’s fall was also a result of Anne of Cleves and enemies in the conservative faction
    CONSENSUS = His Protestantism made him choose of Anne of Cleves and the Catholicism of the Conservative Faction were more in line with Henry’s own views - Norfolk enforced 6 Articles
  • Pilgrimage of Grace
    SK1 = The men outnumbered Henry’s army 40,000 to 8,000
    SK2 = The rebels were able to capture Pontefract Castle - a key castle under Henry’s control
    CSK = An agreement was eventually reached and the rebels were dispersed
    CONSENSUS = The fact that Henry had to negotiate shows that the rebels were a major threat as Henry was forced to compromise his authority
  • Opposition from individuals
    SK1 = Bishop Fisher who was well respected across Europe and had high status refused to swear oath of supremacy so was charged with misprision of treason, however he had support from the imperial ambassador Chapuys and the Pope who announced Fisher would be made cardinal
    SK2 = Thomas More close friend of Henry who also refused to take the oath of supremacy - during his trial he attacked Henry’s tyranny and embarrassed the crown
    CSK = Both Fisher and More were executed showing Henry was able to deal with Catholic threats
  • Religious orders
    SK1= Franciscan monks publically defied the annulment despite being in close proximity to the crown (had a house in Greenwich) - preached a sermon before the king denouncing his plans for divorce
    SK2 = Carthusian monks refused to accept annulment and resisted gov pressure to swear supremacy - seen as least corrupt of the Holy Orders so their opposition was more impactful
    CSK = The Franciscan monks were arrested and dispersed due to 1534 Treason Act and the Carthusians eventually gave in and swore an oath of allegiance