p4 - atomic structure and radioactivity

Cards (11)

  • Democritus' idea on atoms:
    smallest unit of matter
    separated from each other by empty space
    small spheres
  • John Dalton's idea on atoms:
    atoms are solid spheres
    different type of spheres make up different elements
  • Development of nuclear model:

    a series of experiments: alpha particles were fired at a thin sheet of gold foil
    most particles passed through, but some were deflected off course
    hypothesis: dense region of positive charge at centre of atom that repelled alpha particles
    nuclear model - central positive nucleus, surrounded by negative electrons
  • issue and solution with nuclear model
    issue: atoms should collapse as negative electrons would be attracted to positive nucleus, causing them to rush inwards
    solution: neil bohr suggested that electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells so atom does not collapse
  • alpha radiation
    same as helium nucleus - 2 protons, 2 neutrons
    doesn't have any electrons
    overall charge of +2
    relative large - can't penetrate very far into other materials, travels a few cm in the air, absorbed by a single sheet of paper
    strongly ionising - easily knocks electrons off any atom they collide with
  • beta particles
    atom's neutron decays into proton and electron - protons stays in nucleus but electron emitted out at high speed
    quite tiny - moderately ionising
    penetrate moderately far - several meters in air, 5mm of aluminium to stop
  • gamma rays

    waves of electromagnetic radiation
    often emitted after alpha and beta radiation
    no mass nor charge - able to pass through materials. rather than collide with atoms, makes them weakly ionising
    penetrate really far - travels long distances, thick sheet of lead or multiple metres of concrete to stop
  • emission of a neutron
    if nucleus has too many neutrons - making it unstable - nucleus emits neutron out of nucleus
  • activity
    overall rate of decay of all the unstable isotopes in our sample
    measured in Becquerels, Bq
    1 Bq = 1 decay per second
  • 2 definitions of half-life
    1. the time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei in a same to halve
    2. the time taken for the number of decays or activity to halve
  • geiger-muller tube and counter

    records all the decays that reach them each second