gene poools

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  • species?
    group of organisms with capacity for interbreeding and can produce fertile offspring
  • Population?
    group of same species
  • gene pools?
    collection of all alleles present in population at a given time
  • allele freq?
    rate at which a specific allele occurs in gene pool in population
  • Natural selection?
    Some alleles confer survival advantage -> survive and reproduce -> pass allele onto next generation
    • Process of selectively favouring particular phenotypes over others
  • Mutation?
    introduce new alleles into population
  • founder effect?
    small group from a population move to new location
    • Not necessarily representative of alleles that frequently occur in population they came from, as as they expand, rare allele might become more frequent
  • bottleneck?
    population dramatically reduce in size for duration of at least 1 generation.
    • reduce allele numbers in gene pool -> specific allele may become more frequent
    Those new in population may introduce new alleles or increase frequency of other alleles in gene pool
    • gene flow from 1 population to different population
  • Barriers to gene flow?
    Prevent interbreeding and allele exchange
    • if inhabit different environments -> subject to different selection pressures. This can change allele frequency, making each population more suited to their environment.
  • genetic disease?
    alleles that cause fatal disease often gradually eliminated from gene pool
    • those who inherit them die before chance to reproduce and pass onto next generation
  • theory of evo?
    gradual change in characteristics of species
  • Random genetic drift?
    random process where gene pool changes with time due to chance rather than NS
    • likely in genetically isolated populations