infinative verbs

Cards (8)

    1. Wprowadzenie:
    • This term is often used in a broader sense and can refer to the act of introducing something or someone. It may not only be used in the context of written or spoken introductions but can also involve the process of bringing something or starting something.
    • Example: "Wprowadzenie nowych technologii" (Introduction of new technologies)
  • Wstęp:
    • "Wstęp" is more commonly used in the context of the beginning or introductory section of a written work, speech, or event. It is specifically associated with the initial part that provides an overview or sets the stage for what follows.
    • Example: "Wstęp do książki" (Introduction to the book).

  • The Polish phrase "pojechałam" is the past tense form of the verb "pojechać," which means "to go" or "to travel." Specifically, "pojechałam" is used when the speaker (a female) wants to express that she went or traveled to a location in the past.
  • The Polish phrase "Odwiedziliśmy" is the past tense form of the verb "odwiedzić," which means "to visit." Specifically, "Odwiedziliśmy" translates to "we visited" in English. It is used when the speaker wants to convey that they visited a place or someone in the past.
  • The Polish phrase "przybyłem do pracy" is the present perfect tense form of the verb "przybiec," meaning "to come/arrive." The phrase literally translates to "I came to work" and indicates that the action occurred prior to the current moment.
  • The Polish phrase "Nie mieliśmy czasu na wakację" is the past tense form of the sentence "We didn't have time for vacation." This statement conveys that there wasn't enough time available during a specific period for the speakers to take a break from their regular activities and enjoy some free time.
  • The Polish phrase "Wybrała mi książkę" translates to "She chose a book for me" in English. Here, "wybrała" is the third-person singular present tense form of the verb "wybrać," which means "to choose" or "select."
  • wiem or znam?
    • Wiem: Use this when you know facts, information, or answers.
    • Example: "Wiem, że jutro będzie padać." (I know that it will rain tomorrow.)
    • Znam: Use this when you are familiar with people, places, or things.
    • Example: "Znam Warszawę bardzo dobrze." (I know Warsaw very well.)