Real property: Land and anything permanently attached to it
Fixtures: Moveble things that are constuctively or permanently attached to land.
Fee simples: full and irrevocable ownership of land, and any buildings on that land.
Expropriation: Forceful taking of land by a government or govenment agency for public purposes.
Life Estate: estate in land in which the right to possession is based upon a person’s lifetime. Frequently made within a family, where person who possesses fee simple wants to use land during his or her lifetime, but pass property on upon death
Leasehold estate: grant of the right to possession of land for a period of time in return for the payment of rent to landowner
Condominium: form of ownership of real property, usually including a building, in which certain units are owned in fee simple and the common elements are owned by the various unit owners as tenants-in-common.
Registry System: provincial government-operated system for registration of interests in land.
LandTitlesSystem: provincial government-operated system for the registration of interests in land where the government confirms and warrants the particular interests in land
Easements: right to use the property of another, usually for a particular purpose.
Restrictive covenant: means by which owner of property may continue to exercise control over its use after property has been transferred to another.
Joint tenancy: An ownership where each owner is called a "joint tenant" and each owns the whole of the asset, rather than a distinct fractional share.
Tenancy-in-common: An ownership where each owner of interests in land that need not be equal.