Chemical reactions occur so that elements can achieve a more stable energy state by gaining a full outer shell of electrons
This is done by chemical bonding
This process involves the transfer of thermal energy into and out of reaction mixtures
The terms used to describe chemical reactions are:
System: the reacting chemicals
Surroundings: anything other than the chemicals reacting
The energy within the system comes from the chemical bondsthemselves which could be considered as tiny stores of chemical energy
In exothermic reactions, thermal energy is transferred from the chemical energy store of the chemical system to the surroundings
The energy of the system decreases, which means that the energy change is negative
The temperature of the surroundings increases because thermal energy is given out / released
The overall transfer in exothermic reactions is from the system to the surroundings
A) hotter than surroundings
Typical examples of exothermic reactions include:
Hand warmers used in the winter time are based on the release of heat from an exothermic reaction
Self-heating cans of food and drinks such as coffee and hot chocolate also use exothermic reactions in the bases of the containers
In endothermic reactions, thermal energy is transferred from the surroundings system to the system surroundings
The energy of the system increases, which means that the energy change is positive
The temperature of the surroundings decreases because thermal energy is taken in / absorbed
The overall transfer in endothermic reactions is from the surroundings to the system
A) cooler than surroundings
Endothermic reactions are less common than exothermic reactions
Typical examples of endothermic reactions include:
Thermal decomposition
The first stages of photosynthesis
Cold packs for sports injuries are based on endothermic reactions, designed to take heat away from a recently injured area to prevent swelling
Reaction pathway diagrams are graphical representations of the relative energies of the reactants and products in chemical reactions
On a reaction pathway diagram:
Progress of the reaction is shown on the x-axis
Energy is shown on the y-axis
The difference in height between the energy of reactants and products is the overall energy change of a reaction
Reaction pathway diagram of an exothermic reaction and an endothermic reaction
A) reactants
B) released
C) products
D) reactants
E) absorbed
F) products
In exothermic reactions:
Energy is given out to the surroundings
The energy of the products will therefore be lower than the energy of the reactants
The overall energy change is negative
This is represented on the reaction profile with a downwards-arrow as the energy of the products is lower than the reactants
In endothermic reactions:
Energy is taken in from the surroundings
The energy of the products will be higher than the energy of the reactants
The overall energy change is positive
This is represented on the reaction profile with an upwards-arrow as the energy of the products is higher than the reactants
To help you remember whether a chemical system is exothermic or endothermic:
In EXothermic reactions heat Exits the system and in ENdothermic reactions heat ENters the system.
Exothermic reactions always give off heat and they feel hot
Endothermic reactions always take heat in and they feel cold.
Endothermic reaction - takes in thermal energy from the surroundings leading to a decrease in the temperature of the surroundings
Exothermic reaction - transfers thermal energy to the surroundings leading to an increase in the temperature of the surroundings
Enthalpy change - transfer of thermal energy during a rection aka the change in H
We must supply energy to break bonds
activation energy is the minimum energy that colliding particles must have to react
Exothermic reactions - change in H is negative
Endothermic reactions - change in H is positive
When a reaction occurs, bonds have to be broken
this requires energy
Bond energy - the amount of energy in kj/mol associated with the breaking or making of one mole of bonds in an element or compound
For atoms or particles to react with each other in a chemical system they must collide together
A number of factors affect the success of a collision:
Number of collisions per second - the frequency of collisions
In terms of the energy of collisions, there is a minimum amount of energy required for a successful collision
A successful collision is where the particles in the reactant(s) are rearranged to form the products
This minimum amount of energy is called the activation energy, Ea
Different reactions have different activation energies, depending on the chemical identities involved
Reactions with higher activation energies require more energy to start than those with lower activation energies
The transfer of thermal energy during a reaction is called the enthalpy change, ΔH, of the reaction.
ΔH is:
Positive for en endothermic reaction
Negative for an exothermic reaction
A reaction is exothermic when more energy is released forming new bonds for the products than absorbed breaking the bonds in the reactants
So, the products have less energy than the reactants
This means that the change in energy is negative
Therefore, an exothermic reaction has a negative value for enthalpy, ΔH
The reaction pathway diagram for an exothermic reaction is:
A) reactants
B) transition state
C) negative
D) lower
E) products
A reaction is endothermic when more energy is absorbed breaking the bonds in the reactants than released forming new bonds for the products
So, the products have more energy than the reactants
This means that the change in energy is positive
Therefore, an endothermic reaction has a positive value for enthalpy, ΔH
The reaction pathway diagram for an endothermic reaction is:
A) transition state
B) products
C) positive
D) reactants
E) higher
Whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic depends on the difference between the energy needed to break existing bonds and the energy released when the new bonds are formed
Bond breaking is always an endothermic process as energy needs to be taken in from the surroundings to break the chemical bonds
Bond making is always an exothermic process as energy is transferred to the surroundings as the new bond is formed