Unit 3

Cards (14)

  • What was the increase in women in work due to WW1?
  • How did college degrees given to women increase 1900-1928?
    1900 - 19%
    1928 - 39%
  • How many eligible women voted during the 1920s?
  • In 1932 what % of women working in the meatpacking industry was for necessity?
  • What was the gender pay gap for white and black women?

    White women earned 61% of white men
    Black women - 23%
  • How did WW2 impact % of women working?
    1940 - 15%
    1945 - 25%
  • In 1942 how many people believed married women shouldn't work?
  • From 1941-60, how many states refused to allow female jurors?
  • From 1941-60, how many states didn't allow women to enter financial agreements without a co-male signatory?

  • In 1961 women accounted for 1 in how many workers?
    1 in 3
  • In the 1920s what % of farm labour did Mexican migrants make up?

  • How many Mexican Americans who were forced to leave the USA in the 1930s were actually citizens?

    Half of the 600,000 deported
  • What % of Americans didn't want Jewish refugees in US?

  • How many Japanese Americans were confined in War Relocation camps 1942?
