The payments that firms make for the use of factors of production, such as rent and wages
What is normal profit?
A reward for risk taking included in costs, which represents the amount the risk taker must receive to keep resources in their current use
What is total cost?
The cost of producing a given level of output
What are total fixed costs?
Costs which don't change directly with ouput, such as the rent paid for a factory building
What are total variable costs?
Costs which vary directly with output, such as the wages needed to pay workers
What is average cost?
The cost per unit of output
What is the formula for average cost?
Totalcost/quantity of output
What happens to average costs for a firm?
They initially decrease as more is produced because the fixed cost is spread out over more units of output
What are average fixed costs?
The fixed costs per unit per unit of ouput, and which are spread out as more is produced, meaning that fixed cost per unit decreases as output increases
What is the formula for average fixed cost?
Totalfixedcost/quantity of output
What are variable fixed costs?
The variable costs per unit of output
What is the formula for variable fixed costs?
Totalvariablecost/quantity of output
What is marginal cost?
The cost to the firm of producing one more unit of output
What is the formula for marginal cost?
Change in totalcost/change in quantity of output
What happens to production when marginal cost is below average cost?
Production will increase because the cost of producing the next unit is less than the average cost of producing a unit, though the average cost will not decrease more than the marginal cost
What happens to production when marginal cost is above average cost?
Production will decrease because the cost of producing the next unit is more than the average cost of producing a unit
What is the law of diminishing returns?
As more variable factors are added to fixed factors of production, the increase in output will eventaully decrease
When is the law of diminishbing returns applicable?
In the short run, because this is when at least one factor of production is fixed
In the example of an apple farmer, what would be the fixed and variable factors?
The fixed factor would be the orchard and the variable factor would be the workers
What is total product?
The total output of a firm in a given period of time
What is average product?
The unit of output produced per unit of a variable factor of production
What is the formula for average product?
What is marginal product?
The change in output resulting from employing one more unit of the variable factor
What is the formula for marginal product?
Change in totalproduct/change in quantity
What is the relationship between marginal product and average product?
Marginal and average product increases the higher the quantity of labour until marginal product decreases and when it intersects with the average product curve, they both decrease, with the marginal product curve decreasing at a greater rate
What is the relationship between marginal cost and average cost?
Marginal and average cost decreases the higher the quantity of output until marginal cost increases and when it intersects with the average cost curve, they both increase, with the marginal cost curve increasing at a greater rate
What is the general relationship between the cost curves and the product curves?
They move in the opposite direction
What is the relationship between short run and long run average cost curves?
In the short run there are some fixed factors of production and so costs are determined by the law of diminishingreturns, but in the long run all resources are variable and new production facilities can be built