sediment not transported far so immature + comprises of more easily weathered minerals (feldspars)
angular grains and poorly sorted + sedimentary characteristics of braided stream deposits in a fan shape
Braided Streams (Continental)
develop where flows are variable with strong seasonal variation; gravels deposited then plane-bedded sands then cross-bedded sands causing river to change direction creating braided pattern
sediment not transported far so immature, poorly sorted, and angular grains + less stable minerals present
Meandering Streams (Continental)
currents not overloaded with sediment + gentler gradient areas - point bars on inside of bends have coarser sediment that grades upwards into finer sands
abandoned meanders filled with finer sediments (silts/muds) during floods + become colonised by plants (fossils probable)
Flood Plains (Continental)
layers of silts/muds can build up into thick floodplain deposits; when dry, mud cracks/rain pits/footprints/rootlet beds may be present
some deposits are built on top of point bars so whole sequence fines upwards
Moraines (Glacial/Continental)
the till deposited at edge of ice sheets as a hummocky ridge is a terminal moraine + ground moraines are smeared on the ground beneath the ice sheet
piles of till deposited on valley sides as lateral moraines + two lateral moraines join near the centre of the valley in a medial moraine
Drumlins (Glacial/Continental)
where ground moraines are sometimes moulded by the ice into whale-backed features called drumlins
Kames and Eskers (Glacial/Continetal)
meltwater can flow underneath the ice in winding channels to deposit ribbons of sand/gravel called eskers
meltwater from on/within the ice flows out to build irregular deposits of sand/gravel called kames
Outwash Deposits (Glacial/Continental)
wide sweeps of meltwater flow away from the ice margin in braided outwash deposits and can accumulate in depressions to form glacial lakes
Varves (Glacial/Continental)
lake sediments (from outwash deposits) often contain finely laminated silt layers called varves; they have a thin, dark layer deposited in the winter + thicker, pale layer deposited in summer
Glacial Environments - when ice melts, it leaves till; a mixutre of angular pebbles and boulders in a matrix of finely ground rock (clay).
Dunes (Continental)
transverse dunes are formed where sediments is abundant + show large-scale cross-bedding + primarily quartz with red surface iron staining
transported large distances by wind so sediment is mature, well-rounded and very well sorted
Playa Lakes (Continental)
desert/playa lakes dry out and evaporite minerals form (halite and gypsum) + dinosaur footprints, ripple marks and mud cracks may be present
Beaches (Coastal)
beaches often have coarsening upward fining sequences due to storms + high energy beaches deposit rounded pebbles
most beach sediments are mature, rounded and well-sorted + mainly quartz with some shell material
Deltas (Coastal)
pro-delta has mainly mud and silt at the foot + an active sloping delta front formed mainly of sand
Tropical Shallow Seas (Shallow Marine)
limestone forming conditions where seas are clear (no mud brought in by rivers) + limestones form from marine life (abundant where seas are warm/shallow/clear)
fine grained, well sorted + limestones can be clastic, biological or chemical
Reefs (Shallow Marine)
sediments rich in calcium carbonate + ooids (spheres of calcium carbonate around 1mm - medium grained)
ooids are rolled around by waves/currents to become well-rounded + in low energy areas, fine carbonate mud is deposited
Barred/Confined Basins (Shallow Marine)
barred basin; a sea with a narrow opening + has a shelf at entrance that restricts flow of water -confined basin; lack of circulation and oxygen
black stinking muds deposited here (forms source rocks for oil)
Evaporite Basins (Shallow Marine)
ions in seawater become concentrated until gypsum or anhydrite crystallises out and is deposited, then halite and then potassium/magnesium salts (sylvite) form - creates thick salt deposits
Shallow Marine
sediment comes from rivers/coasts (clastic sediments) - redistributed by waves/tides to form ranges of structures and various sizes
high energy areas where erosion exposes bedrock/gravels deposited by ice in past + sand/mud deposited in calmer/low energy conditions
Deep Sea Turbidites (Deep Marine)
turbidity currents form due to build up of sand/mud at edge of continental shelves and are triggered by earthquakes
turbidite sediment sequence; massive sand grades up through plane-bedded sands to rippled sands then to laminated silt then mud (continued sediment build up)
Deep Sea Clays (Deep Marine)
some ocean floors are covered by deep sea clays; these are red clays that originated as fine silt eroded from deserts or green clays formed from volcanic ash
Deep Sea Oozes (Deep Marine)
where planktonic life is abundant near the surface, dead micro-organisms can accumulate on sea floor in huge numbers forming deep sea oozes
some are carbonate oozes (from hard parts of micro-organisms) + others formed from siliceous hard parts of radiolaria/diatoms
Manganese Nodules (Deep Marine)
where ocean floor sedimentation is very slow, manganese nodules can grow (rounded lumps rich in iron, magnesium and other metals)