Loftus & Pickrell (1995)

Cards (6)

    1. Aim:
    • To determine if false autobiographical memories can be created through suggestion
    1. Participants:
    • 3 males and 21 females
  • Procedure:
    • Parent/sibling provided three real childhood memories
    • Participants received questionnaire with four memories (three real, one false)
    • Two interviews over four weeks
    • Confidence ratings for memories
    • Debriefing and guessing the false memory
  • Results:
    • About 25% of participants "recalled" the false memory
    • False memories rated less confidently
    • Less written about false memories in questionnaires
  • Strengths:
    1. Ecological validity: Used real childhood memories
    2. Verifiability: Real memories confirmed by family members
    3. Practical applications: Relevant to eyewitness testimony and therapy
    4. Ethical considerations: Participants were debriefed
  • Limitations:
    1. Limited false memory creation: Only 25% of participants developed false memories
    2. Potential memory distortion: Difficult to distinguish between false and distorted memories
    3. Contamination risk: Questionnaires completed at home
    4. Demand characteristics: Possible social desirability effect
    5. Ethical concerns: Use of deception
    6. Sample bias: Small sample size, gender imbalance