
Cards (6)

  • Cash flow statement
    Financial statement that indicates the movement of cash recipes and cash payments resulting from transactions over a period of time.
    Liquidity-the amount of cash a business has access to and how readily it can convert assets into cash so that debt can be paid.
  • Income statements
    E.g revenue, PNL
    the income statement is used primarily to help a business calculate how much net profit it has made over a POT. Coming in as revenue, going out as expenditure, and delivery as profit. Expenses in this statement include selling, financial and admin
  • Balance sheets
    represents a business’ assets and liabilities at a POT. Represents the target net worth of the business. Helping a business owner monitor debt and equity labels.
  • Terminology
    Debtors-Owe the business money
    (current assets)
    Creditors-Owe money to the business (current liabilities)
  • Terminology
    Income=sales/sales revenue
    Revenue=$ earned by the business/sale
    Profit=gross and net
  • Formulas
    COGS=OS+P-CS (+freight/cartage)
    NET PROFIT=gross prof-expenses