Types of Committee US

Cards (7)

  • Standing Committees
    Pass legislation and scrutinises the executive branch
    Senate standing committees begin confirmation of appointments
  • House Rules Committee
    Timetables legislation in the House of Representatives
  • Conference Committees
    A joint House and Senate committee that reconciles differences in legislation
  • Select Committees
    Investigative committees, special and ad hoc
  • Appropriations committee (Senate) - holds power of the purse, exclusive committee on the budget, bipartisan approach, Pork Barrel politics
    Members on the committee are likely to be reelected
  • Ways and Means Committee (House) - standing committee with a Republican majority
    Social security system, Medicare, taxation, welfare reform, Nafta and Cafta
  • Standing committees are permanent and only focus on specific areas of policy. They have experts in their field to recommend amendments to legislation
    Many bills fail and a large number are pigeonholed