Undefined Terms

Subdecks (1)

Cards (18)

  • Point
    • A position in space
    • No dimensions
    • Can be named as point A
    • Can be represented as
  • Line
    • Set of continuous points that extend indefinitely in both directions
    • No width and thickness; straight and has infinite length
    • The representation can be named as line t or
    • and can be represented by a number line
  • Plane
    • A set of points contained in a flat surface and extends indefinitely in all directions
    • Has infinite length and width but no thickness
    • The representation can be named as: plane C, plane A, plane R, plane CAR, plane ARC, plane RCA, etc.
    • Can be represented as:
  • Segment - A portion of a line that has TWO endpoints
  • Ray - A portion of a line having ONE endpoint
  • Opposite Rays - TWO rays which are opposite in direction or has ONE common endpoint