Market Failure

Cards (27)

  • Market failure
    Occurs when market forces of demand and supply are unsuccessful in allocating resources efficiently and cause external costs or benefits
  • Private costs
    The actual costs of a firm, individual or government
  • External costs
    The negative side-effects of production or consumption incurred by third parties for which no compensation is paid
  • Social costs
    The true (or full) costs of consumption or production to society, i.e. the sum of private costs and external costs
  • By the end of this chapter, students should be able to define the concept of market failure, explain the causes of market failure, and discuss the consequences of market failure
  • Market failure occurs when the production and/or consumption of a good or service causes additional positive or negative side-effects to a third party not involved in the economic activity
  • Situations that may arise in a free market
    • Education and healthcare services are only provided to those who are willing and able to pay
    • Street lighting and public roads are underprovided
    • Tobacco, alcohol and gambling are overprovided
    • Extraction of oil and construction of office buildings cause environmental damage
    • Monopolists can abuse their market power
  • Private benefits
    The benefits of production and consumption enjoyed by a firm, individual or government
  • External benefits
    The positive side-effects of production or consumption experienced by third parties for which no money is paid
  • Social benefits
    The true (or full) benefits of consumption or production, i.e. the sum of private benefits and external benefits
  • Private costs are the actual costs of an individual firm, household or government
  • External costs are the negative spillover effects of production or consumption incurred by third parties for which no compensation is paid
  • The true cost of an economic activity is called the social cost
  • Social cost

    Private costs + External costs
  • External costs
    • Air pollution caused by fumes from a factory
    • Noise pollution from a nightclub
    • Cigarette smoke
    • Advertising clutter
    • Litter
  • Social benefit = Private benefit + External benefit
  • Public goods
    Goods and services that are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, causing market failure due to lack of profit motive
  • Demerit goods
    Goods or services which when consumed cause negative spillover effects in an economy
  • The existence of monopoly markets can cause market failure
  • Factor immobility
    Occurs when it is difficult for factors of production to move or switch between different uses or locations
  • Types of factor immobility
    • Geographical immobility
    • Occupational immobility
  • Geographical immobility occurs when it is difficult to move a factor of production from one geographical location to another
  • Occupational immobility occurs when it is difficult to move a factor of production from one type of work or job role to another
  • Deepwater Horizon disaster occurred
    20 April 2010
  • Over 240 flights were disrupted in southwestern China due to drones interrupting operations at Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport
  • BP estimated that total damages from the Deepwater Horizon disaster would cost the firm $42 billion
  • According to Greenpeace, Brazilian supermarkets have banned the sale of meat produced from animals raised in rainforests