Cards (25)

  • Production possibility curve (PPC)

    Shows the maximum combination of any two categories of goods and services that can be produced in an economy
  • The PPC shows the productive capacity of the economy
  • A country can only produce two types of goods: wooden furniture and olive oil
  • If producers wish to increase production of olive oil from O1 to O2
    The amount of wooden furniture manufactured will have to decrease from W1 to W2
  • Opportunity cost
    The amount of wooden furniture sacrificed to produce additional olive oil
  • Production points on PPC
    • Point A
    • Point B
    • Point C
    • Point D
    • Point E
    • Point F
  • Point A
    All resources are dedicated to the production of wooden furniture
  • Point B
    All resources are dedicated to the production of olive oil
  • Point C
    W1 tonnes of wooden furniture and O1 litres of olive oil are produced
  • Point D
    W2 tonnes of wooden furniture and O2 litres of olive oil are produced
  • Point E
    This point is beyond the production possibility curve and lies outside the productive capacity of the economy
  • Point F
    This point is within the productive capacity of the economy
  • The production possibility curve (PPC) represents the maximum combination of goods and services which can be produced in an economy
  • The PPC diagram is a graphical representation of the maximum combination of the amounts of goods and services that can be produced in an economy
  • Conditions to be on PPC
    1. All resources are used
    2. Efficiency in the use of resources
  • A movement along a PPC results in an opportunity cost
  • A movement along the PPC from point X to point Y
    Means more consumer goods are produced at the expense of fewer producer goods
  • For a country to shift its PPC outwards, there must be economic growth
  • Ways to achieve economic growth
    • An increase in the quality of factors of production
    • An increase in the quantity of factors of production
  • Economic growth
    Causes an outward shift of the PPC
  • Advances in technology will result in higher productivity and output for an economy
  • Detrimental changes can cause the PPC to shift inwards
  • Detrimental changes that can shift PPC inwards
    • A powerful storm
    • A natural disaster
    • A war
  • Low-lying areas of Bangladesh are prone to flooding each year
  • During times of severe flooding, roads and railways are damaged