LLP Act, 2008

Cards (24)

  • LLP
    Limited Liability Partnership
  • Limited liability
    Liability of the partners is limited to their contribution
  • Body Corporate is defined in Section 2 (1) (d) of the Companies Act, 2013
  • Includes companies registered under this Act
  • Includes any other body corporate but does not include a co-operative society
  • Business
    Includes trade, profession, service, and occupation
  • Designated Partner

    Any partner designated as such pursuant to Section 2(1)(j)
  • Foreign LLP
    LLP formed, incorporated outside India
  • Minimum number of partners
    Every LLP shall have at least 2 partners
  • If reduced below 2, the LLP carries on business for more than 6 months, the person who is the only partner shall be liable personally for obligations incurred during that period
  • Resident of India
    A person who has stayed in India for not less than 182 days during the financial year
  • Characteristics of LLP
    • Separate legal entity
    • Perpetual succession
    • Limited liability
    • Mutual agency
    • Minimum and maximum partners
    • Business for profit only
  • LLP is an artificial legal person created by a legal process
  • Partners are entitled to manage the business, but only designated partners are responsible for legal compliances
  • Advantages of LLP
    Easy to form<|>Operates on basis of agreement<|>No minimum capital requirement<|>Faces less compliance burden<|>Provides flexibility in legal compliances<|>Partners have limited liability<|>Dissolution procedures are easy
  • Incorporation of LLP
    1. Documents submission
    2. Filing of documents
    3. Registration
    4. Issuance of incorporation certificate
    5. Registered office establishment
  • Documents must include name of LLP, proposed business, and address of registered office
  • Compliance Statement must be made by an advocate, CS, CA, or CWA engaged in the formation of LLP
  • Registrar shall retain the document and issue the incorporation certificate within 14 days
  • Effect of Registration
    LLP shall be capable of suing and being sued, acquiring and disposing of property, and having a common seal
  • Name of LLP
    Must include the words "Limited Liability Partnership" or "LLP"
  • A person may apply for reservation of name with a fee to the Registrar
  • Registrar may reserve the name for a period of 3 months
  • LLP shall give notice of change of name to the Registrar within 30 days