THE PAULINIAN STORY begins here in the wheatfields of the region of Beauce, France
BEAUCE is a field of golden grain
BEAUCE is a verdant garden in crimson splendor
BEAUCE was a field of LIFE but once, plain of DEATH
Wars in the region
Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
St. Joan of Arc’s Liberation of New Orleans (1429)
Wars of Religion (1562-1598)
Wars of Fronde (1648-1653)
The series of wars brought great misery to the country sides
Consequences of the wars
Religious indifference
Lowering of moral standards
Fr. Louis Chauvet was assigned as parish priest of Levesville
He found the Church in ruins, the presbytery uninhabitable, the people indifferent and apathetic
Fr. Louis Chauvet reached out to his parishioners to respond to their misery
Fr. Louis Chauvet was filled with zeal for his people
Roles of Fr. Louis Chauvet
His great concern was for their spiritual welfare
He attended to the abandoned, looking to their total well-being
He gave special attention to the needy, the aged
He struggled against ignorance and the false teaching of Quietism and Jansenism
He shared his vision of uplifting the level of life of the villagers
Ways Fr. Louis Chauvet uplifted the villagers
Teaching the children
Caring for the sick
Ministering to the poor
Young girls of the village became fired with hisvision
They became the first “Daughters of the School of Levesville”
First Daughters of the School of Levesville
Marie Micheau (17)
Barbe Foucauld (19)
Marie Anne de Tilly (31)
Marie Anne de Tilly assisted in their formation and became co-Foundress
Other early members
Anne Bonnet
Marie Denizet
Anne Lerat
Catherine Sirou
Marie Anne Deslandres
Claude Dauvilliers
Marie Foucault
Marie Fleury
Louise Meunier
Jeanne Rosseau
Le Berceau (The Cradle) became their first home
Le Berceau today is unchanged through the centuries
Its cellar (La Cave) became the 1st classroom
Marie Micheau was the first teacher
Draft of a Rule: '“They will strive to imitate our Lord and to live his teaching.”'
Principles of their RULE
Influence people to His Word
Follow His teachings
Live, serve, and offer
Purpose to live and have life filled with joy
Serve Him
Truth and the Good News
To help others who are in need
Gives us hope, peace, strength
Build relationship
Center of our life
CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS means His love urged them on
Draft of a Rule, Ch. 1: '“Having neither dowry nor income but earning their living so as to be able to perform their apostolic work as gratuitously as possible, they combined austere mortification with the hardest work.”'
Fr. Louis Chauvet considered scholarship a function of faith
Fr. Louis Chauvet wanted the children to know how to read and write to enable them to know more about Christian doctrine and to practice their religion as they should
With Religion and the 3Rs, the Sisters taught practical arts and crafts
The first school opened in 1700; a second school opened in Chateauneuf-en-Thymerais in 1707
Marie Micheau, first recruit, first superior, and first teacher, died at the age of 19 on 15 November 1702
Fr. Louis Chauvet was recognized as Founder
21 June 1710
Marie Anne de Tilly was recognized as co-Foundress
28 September 1703
Fr. Chauvet accorded Marie Anne de Tilly the right to be buried in the Church
Our first Sisters were buried at the foot of the altar of the Virgin of Levesville