key words

Cards (12)

  • KW- Monotheism
    The belief that there is only one God (which usually entails the belief that
    God possesses complete power and knowledge).
  • KW- omnipotent
    All powerful
  • KW- transcendent
    The idea that God is above and beyond space–time; as opposed to
    immanent, existing within space–time.
  • KW- ex deo
    Latin, meaning ‘out of God’, as in creation ‘out of God’s
    own being’.
  • KW- ex nihilo
    Latin, meaning ‘from nothing’, as in the doctrine of creation ‘out of
  • KW- omniscient
    all knowing
  • KW- Incarnate
    Meaning ‘enfleshed’. The doctrine of the Incarnation is that the second
    person of the Trinity – the Son – took on a human body and nature. He was
    made flesh by being born from the womb of Mary.
  • KW- immanent
    When applied to God, means, ‘existing within the space–time universe’.
  • KW- atonement
    The doctrine that Christ’s obedience, suffering and death on the cross
    caused a reconciliation between humanity and God following the original sin of Adam and Eve.
  • KW- redemption
    To buy back, as with the ransom of slaves (Exodus 21:8). ‘Redemption’
    is part of the language of the doctrine of the atonement: the suffering and
    death of Jesus redeems humanity from sin.
  • KW- perichoresis
    Greek for ‘rotation’, used in Trinitarian theology to describe the relation
    between the three persons of the Godhead, often translated as ‘mutual
    indwelling’ – the Father is in the Son; the Son is in the Father, and so on.
  • KW- hypostases
    Technical term for the idea that God exists as one substance in three