Criminal Courts

Cards (4)

  • Magistrates Jurisdiction:
    ·         All criminal cases start in the magistrates’ court.
    ·         All summary offences and some TEW are tried here.
    ·         Mode of trial – decide where TEW offences are heard.
    ·         They also deal with the first hearing of indictable offences such as murder, then transfer them to the Crown Court for trial.
    ·         Youth Court10-17yrs
    ·         Listen to the evidence and decide whether the def. is guilty or not guilty.
  • Sentencing Powers:
    ·         Max. 6 mths imprisonment for one offence summary offence.
    ·         Max. 12months for a TEW offence
    ·         And/or £5,000 fine (more in drink driving cases).
  • Other matters:
    ·         Decide whether the def. is given bail.
    ·         Decide whether the def. is entitled to legal aid.
  • Crown Court:
    ·         Some TEW offences, such as S20 GBH, are tried here.
    ·         All indictable offences such as robbery, are tried here.
    ·         Plea and Case Management hearings to make preparations for trial.
    ·         Hear criminal appeals from the magistrates.
    ·         Cases decided by a jury of 12 ordinary people.
    Sentencing Powers:
    ·         Can sentence up to the maximum for the offence.
    Other matters:
    Decide whether the def. is given bail.