the embryonic stage begins at week 3 of prenatal development and ends at week 8
embryonic stage
tissues that will become the brain and spine start to develop
fingers and toes start to form
physical development refers to the changes in the body and its systems
2 physical developmental milestones that occur at 2 years
kicking a ball
beginning to run
the placenta connects the foetus to the mother delivering nutrirnets and remvoing waste via the umbilical cord
tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, and acts to reduce oxygen flow to the placenta and exposes the developing foetus to numerous toxins
maternal smoking increases the risk of a range of health and wellbeing and developmental conditions of the unborn baby including low birth weight
kindergarten may positively impact infants intellectual development if they are encouraged to engage in educational activity that enhances their knowledge
kindergarten may positively impact an infants social development if they are encouraged to work with other infants enhancing their ability to communicate effectively
maternal nursing can help parents to create coping strategies build resilience when struggling with the challenges of becoming new parents will positively impacting their emotional health
maternal nursing can help relieve stress and anxiety regarding if new parents begin to feel overwhelmed positively impacting their mental health and wellbeing
female sex cells - ova
male sex cells - sperm
fertilisation is the moment the sperm penetrates the ova and it occurs in the fallopian tube
intergenerational refers to the health and wellbeing of one generation impacting the health and wellbeing of the next generation
Childs needs
physical needs - food, water, safety
social needs - belonging, self-worth, respect from others
emotional needs - need to feel loved/ wanted by caregivers
positive of maternal diet - ensuring healthy and balanced diet prior to pregnancy, as the ongoing development of the foetus is dependent on the health and wellbeing of the embryo
positive of maternal diet - adequate folate consumption before and during pregnancy reduces risk of neural tube defects
negative of maternal diet - iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause the baby to experience stunted growth and intellectual disability
foetal stage
rapid growth and development
refined functioning of the body systems
placenta forms
foetus develops fingernails, eyelashes
foetus begingen kicking and rolling around in the womb
embryonic stage
Cells are no longer identical, take on specialised role in the body - cell differentiation
Some cells will become skin cells, lining of organs, or a heart cell