Who proposed that there are three types of long-term memory?
What are the three types of long term memory proposed by Tulving?
The episodic, semantic, and procedural memory.
What is the episodic memory?
This is the long term memory store for personal events, including memories of when the event happened, the people, objects, places and behaviours involved. Memories of this type have to be retrieved consciously. E.g. Your friend's wedding
What is semantic memory?
This is the long term memory store for our knowledge of the world, including facts and knowledge of words and concepts. Memories have this type have to be recalled consciously and deliberately. E.g. Where the Eiffel tower is.
What is procedural memory?
This is the long term memory store for our knowledge of how to do things, including learned skills. Memories of this kind are often recalled without conscious effort. E.g. How to play the piano
Declarative or Non-declarative?
Semantic: Declarative
Episodic: Declarative
Procedural: Non-declarative
Is semantic memory time stamped?
Yes, it's stored with reference to time and place
Is episodic memory time stamped?
No, we cannot recall when it was learnt.
Is procedural memory time stamped?
No, because it's often learnt in childhood
Recalled consciously or unconsciously?
Semantic: consciously
Episodic: consciously
Procedural: unconsciously
If something is recalled consciously it's explicit. Likewise if something is recalled unconsciously it's implicit.
Autobiographical? Yes/No
Semantic: Yes
Episodic: No
Procedural: No
What does it mean if a memory store is autobiographical?
It means that the person themselves are part of the memories.
How easy to forget? Easiest/Resistant/Very-resistant
Semantic: Easiest
Episodic: Resistant
Procedural: Very-resistant
What influences the strength of a semantic memory?
The level of emotion felt at the time.
What influences the strength of a episodic memory?
How deeply it was processed.
What influences the strength of a procedural memory?