Cards (5)

  • cholera - a disease caused by a bacterium which is transmitted in contaminated water
  • cholera causes diarrhoea (loss of watery faeces from the anus)
    1. cholera bacteria will be attached to the wall of the small intestine
    2. it'll produce a toxin
    3. the toxin causes the cells lining of the intestine to secrete chloride ions into the small intestine
    4. this causes the water potential inside the intestine to reduce
    5. water potential in the cells lining of the intestine is higher. thus, osmosis occurs (from cells to inside of intestine)
    6. large quantities of water are lost from the body, from diarrhoea
  • diarrhoea leads to dehydration and loss of ions from blood
  • diarrhoea can be treated by oral rehydration therapy (a drink contain small amount of salt and sugar)