Need to fulfil Allah’s will and willingness to submit to his rules
Submission to Allah is basis for Islamic ethical teaching
Allah responsible for life, knows what is best for his creation
"whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to Paradise." (Quran 4:13)
Allah created all things in pairs
Quran 36:36: Exalted is He who created all pairs”
Allah created men and women to complement each other, to be each other’s ‘garment’
Males and females designed physically and emotionally to complement one another
“They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them” (Quran 2:187)
Sex outside marriage, seen as an attack on community + breach of contract
Family members defined in Qur’an, family is foundation of Muslim society, celibacy discouraged
Men can have multiple wives (up to four), women can only have one
“Whoever is able to marry should marry" (Al-Bukhari)
Consensus with scholars that all forms of contraception permissible as long as it does not damage health and reproductive capacity of person
Not allowed:
Using contraception with aim of having permanently child-free marriage, sterilisation is wrong, because it prevents children permanently (“You should not kill your children for fear of want” (17:31) )
Homosexuality is haraam in Islam – main proof is the story of the Prophet Lut/Lot
Sodomy is considered illicit act, in some countries will result in death
Modern Muslims say that people of homosexual orientation shouldn’t be ostracised or discriminated against because of their sexual inclinations
Islam treats ‘sinners’ with compassion and views them as people in need of support rather than alienation
“If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death” Abu Dawud
Sunni Muslim law allows man to say Talaaq three times (I divorce you) and they are divorced
Man cannot seek divorce from his wife until certain that she is not pregnant
During period of three months (called iddah) reconciliation should be attempted, if doesn't work then divorce can take place
Woman can also obtain divorce, either by agreement with her husband or because of his treatment of her
Hadith: “Among that which Allah has made permissible there is nothing He hates more than divorce”