Cards (8)

  • Peer Pressure Carrie Paetcher
    Boys and girls pressure others if they disapprove. Boys doing drama or dance face criticism. 1998 Paetcher found sport was seen as a male subject, girls who chose it faced contradiction with traditional female stereotype.
    less in same sex schools
  • Gendered career opportunities

    employment is still viewed as gendered. ‘women’s jobs’ involve similar work to housework, childcare or administration. over half of female employment falls to secretarial and personal services
  • gender, class Carol Fuller
    vocational courses have class element, W/C girls make more gendered decisions
  • gender role socialisation Murphy and Elwood
    boys and girls are socialised differently and develop different tastes in reading. boys more on hobbies and information, girls more on people
  • gender domains Browne and Ross
    due to socialisation girls and boys see different activities as their ‘territory’ Fixing a car = male domain. shaped by early interaction with adults. confidence levels higher within domain tasks
  • gendered subject images Kelly
    science is seen as a boys subject as teachers more likely to be male, examples draw on male interests, textbooks use masculine examples
  • single sex schooling Diana Leonard

    pupils in single sec schools have less stereotypical views and make less traditional choices. 13,000 students analysed. more girls chose maths and science A-levels, boys chose English and MFL
  • A-level statistics 2019
    computing 90% boys
    physics 80% boys
    PE 60% boys
    performing arts 90% girls
    english language 75% girls
    psychology 80% girls