Boys and girls pressure others if they disapprove. Boys doing drama or dance face criticism. 1998 Paetcher found sport was seen as a male subject, girls who chose it faced contradiction with traditional female stereotype.
less in same sex schools
Gendered career opportunities
employment is still viewed as gendered. ‘women’s jobs’ involve similar work to housework, childcare or administration. over half of female employment falls to secretarial and personal services
gender, class Carol Fuller
vocational courses have class element, W/C girls make more gendered decisions
gender role socialisation Murphy and Elwood
boys and girls are socialised differently and develop different tastes in reading. boys more on hobbies and information, girls more on people
gender domains Browne and Ross
due to socialisation girls and boys see different activities as their ‘territory’ Fixing a car = male domain. shaped by early interaction with adults. confidence levels higher within domain tasks
gendered subject images Kelly
science is seen as a boys subject as teachers more likely to be male, examples draw on male interests, textbooks use masculine examples
single sex schooling Diana Leonard
pupils in single sec schools have less stereotypical views and make less traditional choices. 13,000 students analysed. more girls chose maths and science A-levels, boys chose English and MFL