module 8

Cards (68)

  • Organisms are made up of cells, when these cells combined
    together it forms tissues.
  • Tissues are group of similar cells that perform specific
  • Organisms are classified as unicellular and multicellular.
  • Unicellular organisms consist of one cell as in lower forms
    of organisms
  • multicellular organisms are demonstrated by higher forms.
  • Epithelial Tissue
    -It covers the body’s internal and
    external surfaces with one or more
    layers of tightly packed cells.
    -These tissues cover organ surfaces
    such as the surface of the skin, the
    airways, the reproductive tracts and
    the inner lining of your digestive tract.
    -The other functions of it include protection, nutrient
    absorption (along the intestinal tract
    and gas diffusion in lungs), and
    secretion (glandular secretion).
  • Epithelial Tissue
    -It covers the body’s internal and
    external surfaces with one or more
    layers of tightly packed cells.
    -tissues cover organ surfaces
    such as the surface of the skin, the
    airways, the reproductive tracts and
    the inner lining of your digestive tract.
    -The other functions of epithelial
    tissue include protection, nutrient
    absorption (along the intestinal tract
    and gas diffusion in lungs), and
    secretion (glandular secretion).
  • Two groups of epithelial tissues
    -Simple epithelium
    -Stratified epithelium
  • Simple epithelium which is
    consists of a single layer of
  • Stratified epithelium is made of multiple cell layers
  • basement membrane provides structural and support for the epithelium and bind it to neighboring structures.
  • Simple squamous epithelium
    -Single layer of flat cells with oval
    nuclei and arranged like tiles on
    the floor.
    -Found in the linings of lungs,
    blood vessel and capillary walls
    -allows passage of
    materials by diffusion
  • Simple cuboidal epithelium
    -each cell has spherical nucleus in the
    -It is commonly found in
    secretive or absorptive
    tissues such as kidney
    tubules, ducts and small
    glands and surface of the
  • Simple columnar epithelium
    -This epithelium usually
    forms the lining of
    stomach and intestine.
    -Their cells are elongated
    and column-shaped with
    elongated nuclei. Some
    columnar cells are
    specialized for sensory
    perception such as nose,
    ears and taste buds of the
  • Ciliated epithelium
    -Made up of cells which can be
    either columnar or cuboidal, but in
    addition, they possess fine hairlike
    outgrowths called cilia on their
    free surfaces.
    -They are usually found in air
    passages like the nose, in the
    uterus and in the fallopian tubes.
  • the ciliated, pseudostratified columnar
    epithelium lining the tracheal
    lumen. This epithelium is
    commonly referred to as
    "respiratory epithelium".
  • Muscle Tissue
    specialized cells that have
    a primary function of
    contraction and their cells
    are called muscle fibers
    which are elongated and
    arranged in parallel
    arrays. Their coordinated
    contraction results in
  • Three kinds of muscle are
    found in vertebrates.
    -Skeletal muscle
    -Smooth muscle
    -Cardiac Muscle
  • skeletal muscle
    -fiber: striated, tubular and multi nucleated
    -usually attached to skeleton
  • smooth muscle
    -fiber: non-striated, spindle shaped, and uninucleated
    -usually covering wall of internal organs
  • muscle fiber
    is composed of cytoplasm, the sarcoplasm and its membrane called sarcolemma
  • embedded in the sarcoplasm are many myofibrils and mitochondria
  • each myofibril in turn is composed of two kinds of contractile proteins, actin and myosin
  • skeletal
    based on location, if they are attached to the bones like biceps, triceps, pectoralis
  • visceral or smooth
    if they are located in the walls of hallow internal structures like stomach, intestines and blood vessels
  • cardiac
    if they make up the hearts
  • striated
    if cross striations are observed or unstraited
    if cross striations are not
  • voluntary muscle
    are found outside of the skeleton and under control of the will
    involuntary muscle
    produce movements over which we have no control, such as motions of the stomach and other hollow internal organs
  • striated muscle
    -made up of long filamentous fibers with many elongated nuclei in --the sarcolemma and the presence of many striations of the dark and light cross bands
  • smooth or visceral muscle
    which is made up of spindle-shaped cells and it is found in the walls of visceral organs. it is non-striated or smooth in appearance
  • cardiac muscle
    a very special type of muscle, which is striated and involuntary
  • intercalated disk
    the fibers are characterized by branches with cross striations and unique dark band
    where two cell membranes are adjacent to each other
  • connective tissue
    is to bind together various parts of the body, to give form and support the body and lastly, forms rigid structures capable of resisting pressure and shocks
  • extracellular matrix
    this is non-living material composed of protein fibers and ground substance
  • the protein fibers are composed of collagen and elastin
    -which give strength and flexibility while the ground substance supports the cells and fibers
  • loose or areolar connective tissue
    is a loosely fibro-elastic tissue consists of a clear amorphous ground substance which holds together coagulable tissue fluids, various cells and all fibers
  • dense connective tissue
    contains tightly packed collagen fibers, making it stronger than loose connective tissue.
  • Adipose or fat tissue
    has clear oval fat cells, its cytoplasm and nucleus are pushed to the side of each cell by a globule if fat. This tissue function for the nutrient and fat storage.
  • hyaline cartilage
    -which can found n the particular ends of long bones, the ventral ends of the ribs, the nose, the larynx the trachea and the bronchi
    -is more common than fibrous and elastic cartilages
    -it is bluish-white translucent and quite homogenous
  • chondrocytes
    -the cartilage cells
    -are found in the small cavities called lacunae which are scattered through the chondrin matrix