Cards (7)

  • Labelling
    • Fuller = people who are labelled not only affects how others perceive them but also how they see themselves
    • Mirza = black girls had positive self-esteem and would reject negative labelling to prove people wrong
    • Gilbourn = black pupils were more likely to be disciplined than their white classmates for the same behaviour, black students felt teachers had low expectations of them
  • Ethnicity and subcultural responses
    • Fordham + Ogbu = African American students' low academic performance not all due to ability but also influence of experiences of structural inequality. Opposition culture = academic success seen as conforming to norms and values of white culture
    • Sewell = consider both structural and individual factors e.g. family support and access to opportunities
  • Pupil identities
    • Scruton = advocates importance of teaching cultural heritage and tradition, lack of cultural continuity can lead to alienation in communities
    • Massey = pupils identities are influenced by many factors, school play crucial role in shaping identities
  • Institutional racism
    • Gilbourn = IR operates through policies and practices that impact on marginalised racial groups
    • Wright = teachers claim they're committed to equal opportunities, Asian girls get less attention from teachers, felt cultural traditions were disapproved of
  • Selection and segregation
    • Gilbourn = certain schools use setting and streaming to segregate pupils based on race
  • Ethnocentric curriculum
    • Tronya and Williams = gives priority to white culture and English language
    • Wright = Asian girls get less attention from teachers, felt cultural traditions were disapproved of
  • Subcultures
    Fuller = black girls were high ability but felt their teachers were racist so they didn't work for their teachers' approval and formed a subculture to prove them wrong