Douglas = level of parental interest, some parents don't care about education but some w/c might not be able to support studying due to inconvenient shifts
W/c children don't gain cultural capital through museum visits and books like m/c
Attitudes to education
Sugarman = middle and working class have different outlooks, working class backgrounds seek immediate gratification
Feinstein = redistributive policies need to carry on throughout pupils education (free school meals)
Hyman = values of working class are self-imposed barrier to improve position, working class tend to place low value on education
Speech code: Bernstein
Restricted speech code = unable to develop skills of analysis and evaluation, common in working class
Elaborated speech code = used by teachers, textbooks, seen as correct way of speaking
Cultural capital: Bourdieu
Middle class pupils have more advantage as their parents can take them to museums, gain outside knowledge
Material deprivation
Halsey = lack of financial support prevents w/c students staying on at school
Douglas = children in unsatisfactory living conditions didn't do well in ability tests
Problems with Bernstein's theory
Variations within middle and working class, vary in how they use elaborated code
Problems with Bourdieu's theory
Halsey et al = material factors > lack of money may stop kids staying on at school
Not all w/c students fail even if they don't have cultural capital