Cards (4)

  • Impact of feminism
    • McRobbie studied girls magazines, in 70s they emphasised importance of getting married but now they contain images of independent women
    • Out-dated, power of media has changed and it's not certain if this had a greater influence on young girls' attitudes
  • Girls' changing ambitions
    • Sharpe = interviewed girls in 70's, girls had low aspirations believing educational success was unfeminine but in the 90's girls had placed importance on a career and being able to support themselves
    • Reay = some working class girls continue to have gender stereotyped aspirations for marriage and children
  • Changes in family
    • Increase in divorce rate > increase in female-headed lone-parent families > more women take on breadwinner role > new role model for girls
    • NR claim decline in nuclear family has resulted in boys developing an anti-school subculture resulting in failure
  • Changes in Labour Market
    • 1970 Equal Pay Act and 1975 Sex Discrimination Act > encouraged women to see a future in work rather than housewives > greater career opportunities