Cards (8)

  • Swann and Gradol
    High female achievement is a result of the quality of interaction they have with their teachers
  • Jackson
    Schools label boys negatively, teaching resources less likely to stereotype girls into passive roles
  • Archer
    Underachievement by boys masks problems girls face = high achieving Asian girls get labelled as robots and incapable of independent thought
  • Feminisation of education
    • Sewell = Teaching became feminised > schools don't nurture masculine traits like competitiveness and leadership and instead celebrate qualities with girls like methodical working and attentiveness > boys feel under-valued in education and underachieve
    • Boys still dominate lessons and take up more of the teachers' time
  • Selection and marketisation
    • Jackson = introduction of league tables has improved opportunities for girls: high achieving girls are attractive to schools whereas low-achieving boys are not > self-fulfilling prophecy
    • Slee = boys are less attractive to schools because they are more likely to suffer from behavioral problems and more likely to be excluded
  • GCSEs and Coursework
    • Mitsos and Brown = girls are more successful in coursework because they're more conscientious and better organised
    • Elwood = unlikely to be only cause of gender gap because exams have more influence than coursework in final grades
  • Subcultures
    • Willis = boys were negatively labelled at school because they didn't care for education and formed a subculture that thrived off failure
    • Francis = boys were more concerned than girls about being labelled by peers because it's a threat to their masculinity
    • Fuller = studied black girls, got negatively labelled and worked hard to prove label wrong
  • Hyper-heterosexual identities