Applications of the cognitive approach-has been used successfully to explain mentaldisorders like depression as Beck’stheory states depression develops through acquiringnegativeschema which causes a systematiccognitivebias in thinking. This has resulted in successfultherapies such as CBT which has a high successrate. The realworldapplication of cognitive approach increases the validity of this theory
The cognitive approach can be described as reductionst because it reduces complex human behavour down to one fundamental factor of information processing. Which is an example of machine reductionsm. However this can be a problem because other factors may be ignored preventing more valid and realistic explanations of behaviour for example biological factors in the biological approach which have been genetically proved unlike the cognitive approach where behaviour is studied indirectly. Holistic
However it can be useful to understand more in detail cognitive factors
Ignores emotion and motivation. The cognitive approach explains how cognitive processes takeplace but not why they takeplace. The lack of focus on motivation may be explained by the overdependence on informationprocessing analogies,as motivation can not be applied to a computer but this is a limitation as humans have a more complexmakeup and thoughtprocesses than a computer
Interfering-reaching a logical conclusion based on evidence and reasoning
cog app
The cognitive approach uses experimental research methods to study internal mental processes such as attention, perception, memory and decision-making.
. Cognitive psychologists assume that the mind actively processes information from our senses (touch, taste etc.) and that between stimulus and response is a series of complex mental processes, which can be studied scientifically