biological approach

Cards (27)

  • What is the primary assumption of the biological approach in psychology?
    Humans are biological organisms and biological explanations are provided for psychological functioning.

    genes and the enviromnment can interact to cause a human's characteristic
  • How does heredity influence behavior according to the biological approach?
    Heredity is the passing on of characteristics from one generation to the next through genes.
  • What determines how genetic traits develop in an individual?
    The development of genetic traits depends on the interaction between genes and the environment.
  • What is the definition of genotype?
    Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual.
  • What is the definition of phenotype?
    Phenotype is the observable traits shown by an individual due to the combined effect of genes and the environment.
  • Why do individuals differ in personality and intelligence?
    Individuals differ due to their unique combination of genetic instructions.
  • What does heritability measure in a population?
    Heritability measures the amount of variability in a trait across a population attributed to genetic differences between individuals.
  • How does the heritability of a trait relate to genetic factors?
    The more a trait is influenced by genetic factors, the greater its heritability.
  • Which behaviors are under neural control?
    Some elements of behavior, such as breathing and sexual behavior, are under neural control.
  • How do organisms adapt to their environment according to the theory of evolution?

    Organisms adapt through the process of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  • What is the significance of variation within a population?
    Variation within a population allows certain individuals to compete for resources and survive based on advantageous characteristics.
  • How does natural selection influence the characteristics of a population over generations?
    Natural selection leads to the spread of advantageous characteristics and behaviors in a population over generations.
  • What is one strength of the biological approach?
    The biological approach utilizes the scientific method.
  • How can the biological approach be applied to understanding OCD?
    The biological approach can be applied to OCD by examining genetic and neurochemical factors that contribute to the disorder.
  • What is a limitation of the biological approach regarding its explanations?
    One limitation is that it is reductionist, reducing complex behaviours to biological factors eg.genes
  • How do genes influence behavior?
    Genes influence behavior by carrying instructions that affect individual traits and characteristics.
  • What is the significance of the interaction between genes and the environment?
    The interaction between genes and the environment determines how genetic traits develop in an individual.
  • Why is everyone unique in terms of genetic instructions?
    Everyone possesses a unique combination of genetic instructions that differ from each other.
  • How does natural selection contribute to the evolution of species?
    Natural selection contributes to evolution by allowing individuals with advantageous traits to survive and reproduce, passing those traits to the next generation.
  • What is the role of competition for resources in natural selection?
    Competition for resources drives natural selection, as individuals with better adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  • How do characteristics spread in a population over generations?
    Characteristics spread in a population through the process of natural selection, where advantageous traits become more common over time.
  • The brain
    -Cerebrum-85% of brain outer surface is cerebral cortex responsible for high order functions
    -2 parts-hemispheres
    -each hemisphere 4 lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital,temporal)
  • Neurotransmitters 
    -when a nerve impulses reaches the end of a neuron a chemical neurotransmitter is released -travels across the synapse trigger receiving neuron to send (exitatory) or inhibit an impulse (inhibitory
    And then stimulate the brain into action or calm the brain and balance mood 
    Dopamine-excitatory associated with drive and motivation 
    Serotonin-inhibitory-maintain stable mood 
    and hormones 
  • Hormones
    -chemicals secreted by endocrine glands travel which in the bloodstream, stimulate receptors on target cells causing physiological reaction in cell ,altering its activity to bring about a reeponse 
    1.chemical secreted by endocrine glands in bloodstream 
    3.stimulate receptors on target cells
    4.physiological reaction in cell
    5.alter its activity 
    6.bring about a response
  • Evolution 
    • Organisms adapt to their environment by the process of natural selection 
    • Variation within a population (characteristics and behaviour)
    • Individuals compete for resources
    • Certain individuals have characteristics that make them more likely to survive so they therefore survive and reproduce - passing the characteristics and behaviours on to the next gen
    • These will become more and more widespread 
  • (deterministic view) recent research has shown a genetic basis for a predisposition of criminal behaviour however there are concerns that this my lead to genetic screening to check and discrimination against those.genes may also be used for convenient explanations of ceratin behvaiourhowever some suggest if someone knows they have a predisposition it may help them to avoid environmental situations or this which may trigger this or develop coping mechnism to protect them from its influence.
  • Factors from the biological approach like genes and neurochemical imbalances have been researched and applied into explaining mental disorders like OCD, for example ssris which have been shown to be effective