cognitive approach comittment to scientific method is positive to a degree because most propositions can be easily tested but inference is a large part of it as not all mental processes are observable
Behvaioural approach has positive comittment to scientific method as it is objective and experimentally based focus on responses that can be accurately measures leads to a high degree of replication
social learning theory has positive comittment because experiments are reliable (standardised procedure) and high in internal validity however they can lack ecological validity because of artificial setting
biological approach has a positive comittment as precise and highly scientific methods are used to study the biological and genetic basis of behaviour
psychodynamic has mixed comittment as some areas are open to scientific investigation bu there is a greater reliance on case studies and subjective interpretation
humanistic is largely negative as it is believed complexities human consciousness and experience are not best studied scientifically as everyone is unique and has subjective experience.
slt is Soft determinism
Behaviour is a product of experience but recognizes an element of choice as to whether we imitate a behavior.
the cognitive approach is soft determinism- it suggests behaviour is caused by thought processes which we have some conscious control over but also by past experiences which can be out of our control
behaviourist approach is Environmentally determinist External forces (like Rewards and punishments) Determine behaviour
psychodynamic strongly psychic determinist as it views our behavior as caused entirely by unconscious factors over which we have no control.
humanistic states humans have self-determination and free
will, and that behaviour is not the result of any single
behavioural approach is environmentally reductionist as it reu
slt is partly reductionist as it takes into account both behavioural and cognitive principles but not all factors
cognitive is machine reductionist as it reduces complex behaviour to internal mental processes
biological approach is biological reductionism because it reduces behaviour down to biological factors for example genes
humanistic is holistic because it argues Subjective experience can be understood by taking into account the whole person and all possible factors
psychodynmaic is partly reductionist because it reduces behaviour down to a few underlying uncoscious drives, eg. a phobia may be interpreted as a displaced childhood fear.
However it also considers the entirety of an individuals life experience especially their early development stages and looks into psychological forces which drive the behaviour
the biological approach is determinist as it suggests human behaviour is directly controlled by a component of their physiology, such as genes or neurotransmitters which are outside of our control