Expressionism - It emerges in reaction to impressionism.
Expressionism - it was first applied to music in 1918, the subject includes:
Loss of Authencity
Loss of Spirituality
Characteristics of Expressionism:
Melody and Harmony
Dissonance - The quality of sounds that seems unstable.
Expressionism music has a high degree of dissonance
Atonal - Music that lacks key or center
Dynamics - Loudness or Softness of the music
Expressionism has an extreme contrast of dynamics in music.
Types of Dynamics:
Pianissimo to Fortissimo
Fortissimo to Pianissimo
Pianissimo to Fortissimo - Very soft to very hard
Fortissimo to Pianissimo - Very hard to very soft
Texture - Determines the overall quality of the sound of a piece.
Melody and Harmony - Distorted
Arnold Shoenberg - Responsible for the 12-Tone System
Arnold Shoenberg - His style changes from time to time, gradually evolving to something dissonant and atonal.
Arnold Shoenberg - He is the mentor to Alban Berg and Anton Webern
Arnold Schoenberg's pieces:
Pierrot Lunaire
Three Piano Pieces, Op 11
Igor Stravinsky - A russian composer, he is widely considered one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th century and a pivotal figure in modernist music.