
Subdecks (2)

Cards (9)

  • Introduction gives a description of the problem/gap that will be addressed
  • General Guidelines in Writing the Introduction
    • Must have an introductory paragraph (topic area)
    • Must catch the attention of the readers
    • Contains dramatic and general statements/facts about the study
    • Must be as short as a single page
    • Briefly describes the general topic
  • Criteria in Writing a Good Introduction
    • Use the present tense when referring to work that has already been published, but past tense when referring to one’s own study.
    • Use the active voice as much as possible.
    • Avoid lengthy or unfocused reviews of previous research.
  • Active Voice
  • Passive Voice
  • Outline of the Introduction:
    • 1st Paragraph - Current Local Situation (facts and statistics)
    • 2nd Paragraph - Gap/Problems to be addressed "Why is it necessary to address the gap?"
    • 3rd Paragraph - Introduce the Variables (main material/s to be used, target IV and DV)
    • 4th Paragraph - Introduction of proposed solution, convince the readers, "Why is it a potential solution to the gap?"
    • 5th Paragraph - State the Main and Specific Objectives of the Study