Regulating glucose & Diabetes

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  • If glucose levels are too high:
    1. Pancreas releases insulin.
    2. Insulin binds to liver and muscle cells, which causes;
    a)muscles cells to use glucose for respiration.
    b)excess glucose to be converted into glycogen (stored in liver).
    3. Resulting in blood glucose concentration to decrease.
  • If glucose levels are too low:
    1. Pancreas releases glucagon.
    2. Glucagon binds to liver cells, causing glycogen to breakdown into glucose.
    3. Glucose is released into bloodstream, increasing blood glucose concentration.
  • Insulin and glucagon work together in a negative feedback loop.
  • Type 1 diabetes; happens when pancreas doesn't produce insulin or produces very little.
    Treatment: injecting insulin after meals. Amount depends on meal and amount of exercise they do.
  • Type 2 diabetes; happens when cells become resistant to insulin. This is caused by a unhealthy diet for a long time.
    Treatment: healthy low sugar diet and regular exercise.
  • Glucagon is a hormone which breaks down glycogen.  
    Whereas glycogen is a large molecule of glucose.