Incubation period ranges from 1-19 days, usually 2-7 days<|>Begins with Pruritic papule<|>Papule enlarges with ring of vesicles seen within 2-4 days<|>Erythema and edema develops<|>No pus and lesion is painless unless there is a secondary infection
Heat stable toxin<|>Occurs 1-5 hours after ingestion of rice<|>Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and occasionally diarrhea<|>Self-limiting and recovery occurs within 24 hours
Heat labile toxin<|>Incubation period of 8-16 hours<|>Profuse diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramps<|>Enterotoxin may be preformed in the food or produced in the intestine