Cards (11)

  • All the people involved in the business can have an impact on the marketing
     The owners and managers establish a culture that can either have a
    positive or negative effect on perceptions of the business, and the
    products it offers.
  • A culture that has evolved to include poor practices or indifferent service can
    be a disaster for marketing, so it is important that leaders in the business set
    the standard, and ensure it is followed.
     Maintaining business reputation is in the hands of the staff.
     It is essential they be trained with the appropriate skills, be motivated to
    provide good service, and have a positive attitude towards the products
    they are selling.
     Customers will often judge the business by the staff that serve them as
    much as by the quality of the product.
  • Customers are themselves an important part of the ‘people’ element of the
    Satisfied customers are the best possible advocates for a business.
     Every customer is a potential return customer, and as such is an
    important part of the marketing mix
  • Physical evidence can assist a business with positioning its brand and attracting its target
     A customer will often not be completely familiar with the detailed features of a good or service
    they are buying.
     Providing information and helping the customer to compare different brands or models
    can provide the evidence the potential customer needs to make the best choice.
  • Physical evidence also refers to the physical state of the business premises, and the physical
    state of a website or online presence.
     A clean and well-presented location can be reassuring to the customer that high
    standards are observed.
     The state of the online presence is also important.
  • Providing access to feedback from customers can also be a way of providing physical
    evidence to potential customers.
     Encouraging satisfied customers to use independent review websites can provide valuable
    evidence that can influence the decisions made by potential customers.
     Some companies, such as those in the building industry will often provide the contact
    details of previous customers who can act as referees for the quality of goods and services
    the business has provided
  • Process may relate to the delivery of the product, or how the customer finds out
    about the product, selects it and then makes their purchase.
     All businesses set up operating systems and processes as part of the way they do
     The total purchasing experience is important in achieving customer satisfaction.
  • Customers will often want access to a variety of methods of payment, such as cash,
    EFTPOS, PayPass or PayWave and credit cards, as well as deferred payments such as
    lay-by and Afterpay.
     Ensuring all these processes are available and working efficiently will enhance the
    marketing of the business.
     All systems and processes need to be designed to maximise the benefit for the
    customer, not just for the convenience of the business or its staff.
  • People, particularly employees, are an
    important part of the marketing mix because
    their interactions with customers can
    influence customer loyalty.
  • Physical evidence is an important part of the
    marketing mix as it refers to the information
    provided by a salesperson, the physical state
    of a business premises and access to
    feedback from existing customers.
  • Businesses need to have processes and
    operating systems in place that make it easy
    for the customer to make purchases.