Types and explanations

Cards (4)

  • Types and explanations-
    Kelman 1958-
    • Internalisation- genuinely accepts the groups norms, changing publicly and privately.
    • Identification- conforming because you value the group (like its cool) to be a part of it but stops outside of the group.
    • Compliance- only agreeing in public, and not changing in private.
  • Types and explanations-
    Deutsch and Gerard (1955) 2-process theory -
    Informational social influence (ISI)-
    • believe it what the majority says due to believing they’re right,
    • following the behaviour of the majority,
    • cognitive process,
    • can lead to internalisation,
    • in new or crisis situations.
  • types and explanations-
    Deutsch and Gerard (1955) 2-process theory-
    Normative social influence (NSI)-
    • conforming to fit in with the group to not appear foolish,
    • emotional process,
    • temporary change,
    • occur when feeling concerned about rejection.
  • Types and explanations- Deutsch and Gerard 1955-
    CPS- NSI – Asch (1951) some conformed due to being self-conscious, when writing answers conformity fell to 12.5%.
    CPS- ISI- Lucas et al (2006) conformed more when the task was difficult.
    CPW- Hard to separate NSI and ISI, since they’re often used together in real world situations.
    W- McGhee and Teevan (1967) students who wanted to be relatable (nAffiliators) were more likely to conform – NSI underlies conformity.